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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Wyandot Early Childhood School Families,

We look forward to a great week at Wyandot!  We hope your family had an awesome weekend!  This week is a short week as we head into a long weekend.  As a reminder there is no school on Friday, 2/14, and Monday, 2/17.  

Next week we have conference night on Thursday, 2/20.  As a reminder, look out for communication from your child's teacher about conferences. 

We have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks.  On Friday, 2/21, it is our annual Tropical Day at Wyandot.  We will bring the tropical warmth inside as we bring tropical fun to Wyandot for a day.  Our students will visit the gym where our amazing PTO will have stations and a treat for our students.  It is a spirit day, send your child in their best tropical attire!  

The week of February 24th is the annual Read-a-Thon!  There are fun activities planned throughout the week. This is a great way to put books into our classrooms! Thank you for your support!    

We look forward to another great week next week at Wyandot! Have a wonderful week!

Best regards,

Kyle Lichey





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